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Clear The Clutter From Your Home

Do you at times have the feeling that your home has simply gotten the better of you?

If you are thinking along those lines; there are some options on the table for you when it comes to making your home roomier and more to your liking.

With that in mind, are you ready to make this the year that you retake control of your home? If so, don’t try and tackle it all at once. By doing a room here and a room there, you can pace yourself, thereby lessening the physical and emotional fatigue that can easily set in.

So, is it time to clear the clutter from your home?

Retaking Control of Your Home

For starters, get a good idea on what stuff you can part with and which items you absolutely must keep around.

In many cases, sentimental feelings will take over, so be careful that you do not get too sentimental. If you do, you may end up keeping much more stuff than you had originally planned to.

For example, if you’re a parent, there’s a good chance you will have trouble parting with baby items, especially if you are considering having more children. Given the challenges many parents face these days when it comes to expenses, hanging on to various baby clothes and toys seems certainly reasonable.

Another area of focus is should you opt for a self-storage unit?

If you have enough stuff to fill such a facility, it may behoove you to go down that road.

Whether that means looking at storage units around New Jersey or elsewhere in the country, don’t hesitate to consider this option.

By doing so, you can still keep many of your items, items that in fact may very well be worth money and/or provide you with wonderful memories for years to come.

Help Others in Need

While you can still go the self-storage route, you may also want to donate some items (clothing, older furniture or kitchenware etc.) that can be of benefit to others.

In the event you like this idea, there are plenty of places to give to.

Look around your town to see which churches, organizations etc. accept donations for those in need. You will likely have a number of options to choose from, some of which are likely literally blocks away from where you live.

Lastly, be sure that the stuff is usable for other people, not simply junk. In some cases, people try and “donate” items that are beyond repair. All you are doing is creating more work for others when it comes to discarding the items.

Is It Time for a Yard Sale?

Still another option is having a yard or garage sale.

Along with getting rid of some items taking up space in your home, a yard or garage sale gives you a chance to make some money. With that money, you can always put it towards something you really need in your life; perhaps even towards savings you have started for some home improvement projects down the road.

If you do decide to have such a sale, be sure to promote it as much as possible.

Ways to go about that include not only newspaper advertisements, but also using social media.

Be sure to post an announcement on any of your social sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.). This will help not only spread the word, but you may end up making some new friends when all is said and done.

Finally, keep the prices reasonable for any items you want to sell.

One general rule of thumb is to ask a little bit more for each time, that way you are more likely to get what you truly wanted for stuff in the first place.

So, if the time has come to clear clutter from your home, are you ready to roll up your sleeves and dig in?


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