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How To Create An Accent Wall At Home Without Using Paint

This 2017 is the year we celebrate colour, but there are interior design forecasts that declared painted accent walls out of style.

Whether it’s in or out, there’s no stopping you from decorating your home the way you want it. Not everyone has the luxury of time and money to follow the latest interior design trends. In addition, painted accent walls are one of the easiest and quickest ways to revamp a space. That’s one hard reality to topple down.

However, accent walls aren’t just painted walls. As long as the wall has an attention-grabbing element in it, it can become the focal point of the room.

With that, the Superdraft architects in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia created this guide to create stunning accent walls without using paint. Keep reading and you might find an idea that suits your home!

Artwork or photos

You can go two ways with displaying art and photos. One is to stick with a large painting of your choice. Feel free to showcase the harmony in subtle colours or the boldness in a striking piece of art.

You can also hang multiple objects in a wall, such as these monochromatic photos of the family living in the house.


No, using wallpaper in your home design isn’t old school. A lot of wallpapers, especially those with bold and colourful patterns starts getting attention again.

Installing wallpaper is a lot harder than coating your wall with paint, but it allows you to celebrate patterns, colours, and designs that are impossible to achieve with paint.


Do you have oversized windows at home? Does it have a good view? If you do, you can use your oversized window treatments to hide your windows or accentuate them. Either way, these curtains or drapes will stand out from your walls.

You may also hang a stylish tapestry on the wall to accentuate a specific area of your home.  In this style, the designer used an Urban Outfitters banana leaf tapestry as the headboard in this Scandinavian styled bedroom.

(source: Pinterest)


Yes, you can make an accent wall with plants. These greens don’t just beautify your space, it also filters the air you breathe. With improved indoor air quality, the occupants will experience less stress and anxiety. It’s recommended for people who live in apartment buildings and don’t have time to hang out in the park.

If you can’t grow your own vertical garden indoors, grow it on your balcony. It’s outdoors and it should get the nutrients it needs.


If you’re after something low-maintenance, you should try putting tiles up your walls. This is great for areas with high traffic such as the living room, dining area, bathrooms, and kitchen. You’re sure that it can survive the wear and tear. Feel free to do something funky or you can remain sophisticated with simpler designs.

Salvaged items

The best part about using salvaged items in your decor is that you’re repurposing items that you’d normally throw away. Giving them a second life keeps them out of the landfill and off of Mother Earth’s burden.

If you use salvaged items as an architectural focal point, expect to have a one-of-a-kind design. Find your antique pieces in your attic, relative’s house, local store, or yard sales. Only purchase items that you see as an attention magnet on your wall.

(source: Pinterest)

At the end of the day, creating accent walls are more than splashing paint on a wall. It’s about being creative and innovative in making your home unique and interesting. Your personality is your own design tool. Let it reflect in all your home improvement projects. ∎

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