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How To Revamp Your Office Post Covid


Covid outbreak has changed the world drastically. It affected the personal and professional lives of every individual worldwide and left an irreparable impact on people. Additionally, it changed the way companies carry out operations and developed a need to revamp the daily operations at every commercial site. One has to focus on maintaining minimum human contact and follow stringent hygiene rules to ensure the health and safety of every employee.

If you also run or manage an office, you must be struggling to revamp it post-pandemic. The good news is that, with little effort and few purchases of functional office furniture Essex, you can successfully make it safe and comfortable for your employees. Let us discuss a few expert tips to revamp the office space, turning it more comfortable and healthy.

Tips To Revamp Your Office Post The Pandemic

Mechanical Upgrades

The first thing you need to do is, deal with the pathogens that have polluted the air inside your premises. Statistics show that cleaner air reduces the chances of virus infections amongst employees to a greater extent. So, you can put the air dampers to clean the air around and keep it virus and contamination-free.


Make it a rule that employees should communicate with each other through digital devices. Telecommunicating is a feasible mode during the pandemic as it will help maintain social distancing. Nobody will come in close contact with each other. Thus the chances of virus spread reduced significantly.

Health Equipment

Equip your office space with enough hygiene and health supplies like sanitiser, handwash, wet tissues and likewise. Keep the sanitizing solution on the hands-free stands and ensure that everyone in the office uses them religiously. Additionally, keep the quick temperature check devices at the office and take readings of every employee entering the premises.

Expandable Spaces

De-clutter your office space, creating an extra area for every employee to sit comfortably and maintain social distancing. Moreover, when you have too many things around, the chances of getting virus-contaminated increase. Different people will touch these things randomly during the day. It is dangerous during the pandemic, so it is better to work on it.

Hands Off Furniture

Look for the comfortable and hands-free office furniture Essex. You can conveniently find chairs without armrests and tables with minimum storage space so that the touch remains the least. Moreover, you can also go for automatic doors that open with sensors, eliminating direct contact.

Following these simple tips, you can revamp your office space, making it more healthy and hygienic. Understand that your organization will only work efficiently and uninterruptedly if your employees keep reporting to the office everyday on time! It is only possible when they stay healthy. For that the workspace also needs to be hygienic with a healthier environment. Make these changes, and you do not have to worry about anything.

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