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Mistakes For Pasting Ceramic Tile


Everything has its own rule. With these rules, life lives safely on the earth. So does pasting ceramic tile. The pasting rule for ceramic tile may affect its visual effect. If home owner put visual effect in the first place, then it is easy to make mistake. If you want to prolong the service life of ceramic tile, then you should read the following notes:

Mistake one: the larger the better

One development trend for ceramic tile is that the specification of it becomes more and more large. Correspondingly, the seam of tile is reduced. The overall effect of large specification ceramic tile is good, but not all the room suit to use large tile. Room size is also an important factor for selecting ceramic tile. Usually, room with area  less than 5 m² suits to use tile with length not more than 300mm and capacious room can use tile with length not more than 600mm.

Mistake two: the smaller the seam is, the better the seamless tile is

The smaller the seam is, the better the decoration effect – this is the reason why seamless tile is popular. The cruel truth is that seamless tile do not mean seamless. As the deviation existing in length, edge straightness and made during the procedure of pasting, the cool contraction and heat expansion of ceramic tile itself, it is necessary to leave seam when pasting. Small seam may lead to the decrease of ceramic tile strain capacity to environment. It may break and deform when the temperature change. All these will minis the service life of tile. Therefore, the seam size of seamless tile is better to be 1mm to 1.5mm. The seam size can be larger is needed.

Mistake three: neglect the performance of ceramic tile

Neglecting the performance of ceramic tile and do not paste the tile in accordance with specification is another mistake customer often make during the pasting procedure. For example, pasting glazed wall tile on ground. The water absorption of wall tile is different from ground tile. Water absorption of wall tile is better than ground tile. Their rupture strength is also different. One obvious difference of interior wall tile and exterior wall tile is anti-frost property. Home owner should paste ceramic tile according to the product performance and the guide of manufacturer. Generally speaking, ground tile can be used as wall tile, but common glazed ground tile cannot be used to decorate wall. Exterior wall tile is a good choice for interior wall, but interior wall tile cannot be used to decorate exterior wall.

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