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Your Damp Proofing And Repair Expert

Damp proofing and repair are the actions taken to prevent or repair moisture that has travelled through the floor, wall, or ceiling. It is very important for a homeowner to correctly damp proof his or her home to prevent serious or irreversible structural damage such as rotting timbers, termite infestation, odour, or mould.

Types of Moisture or Dampness

Generally, there are five types of dampness found in people’s homes. They include:

Causes of Dampness

The need for rising damp repair in Scotland can occur from a number of different causes. These include:

Preventative Damp Proofing

Damp proofing your home is something that you want to treat with care. A professional will implement one of these following methods:

Damp repair and damp proofing professionals can provide the following services:


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