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How To Keep Your Industrial Facility Safe From Fire

Industrial fires are quite common in many developed and developing countries. Such disasters often end in devastating and traumatic results not only to the businesses involved but also to workers who are injured or even killed. Because of this, it is important for business owners to invest on firefighting equipment like sprinklers, fire pumps.  It is also vital for owners to ensure that they only hire qualified roofing services Manchester contractors to install fire-resistant roofs for their workplaces.

Workplaces in particular industries are prone to industrial fiares, including oil refineries, oil depots, natural gas processing plants, chemical plants, to name a few. There are many causes for industrial fires, including but not limited to the following:

Electrical problems – Misuse of electrical equipment or faulty electrical systems can easily trigger an industrial fire. In workplaces where there are many highly-combustible materials are at risk of catching industrial fire when electrical problems occur. In order to prevent such industrial disaster, workplaces must have the safest electrical systems and workers should be properly trained in using electrical equipment.

Human error – Workers who fail to adhere to proper safety procedures can cause industrial fire. Smoking in non-smoking areas, using equipment improperly, or having poor regard for safety are common causes of industrial fire associated with human error. To prevent such disaster from happening, it is important for employers to make sure that their employees are properly trained and that they religiously follow workplace rules and guidelines related to health and safety.

Natural causes – Hot and humid temperature, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters can likewise trigger industrial fires. Although such natural disasters cannot be prevented, employers can minimize possibility of industrial fires by implementing solid and efficient risk management measures. Bolstering disaster prevention measures can save workers’ lives and the business itself. Investing on fire prevention and control equipment like fire pumps are a must in order to prevent large-scale fire resulting from natural causes.

There are different types of equipment you can purchase for your workplace or place of business, including but not limited to:

Fire pumps – A fire pump can serve as your first line of defense from industrial fire. It is part of a fire sprinkler system’s water supply, which is usually operated via electric, diesel, or stream source of power. A typical fire pump is connected to the public underground water system of piping, or alternative source like water tank, water reservoir, or natural body of water (e.g. lake, river, etc.). The pump is the source of water for sprinkler system and hose standpipes.

Fire extinguishers – For small and isolated fires, fire extinguishers play a vital role. This particular fire control equipment can prevent small industrial fires from becoming a major industrial disaster. Having fire extinguishers is not enough if you want to prevent big fires from happening as you also have to make sure that your workers are trained to use them properly. Hence, it is important to conduct fire prevention training and fire drills from time to time to make sure that workers know how to properly act during times of industrial fire.

Fire incident response unit – Investing on fire trucks equipped with sophisticated and up-to-date firefighting equipment is strongly recommended. Fire trucks will be very helpful in fighting and controlling large-scale industrial fire. It is advisable for big companies and corporations that deal with high-risk and highly-combustible materials to invest on fire trucks as they can serve as the most efficient line of defense against industrial disaster.

If your workplace is prone to industrial fires, the burden of keeping your workers safe from harm lies in your hands. Hence, it is reasonable and wise to invest on fire prevention equipment as well as reliable roofing services Manchester, which can save your workers from certain dangers and your business and investments as well.

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