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Four Reasons Why Synthetic Grass Is Best

Since it was first popularised at the Astrodome many years ago, the emergence and popularity of artificial grass have been steadily on the rise. Professional sport is widely played on it and it has slowly but surely become a staple in many domestic gardens. And while there are many people who still prefer the traditional grass as their choice of garden groundcover, the pendulum is swinging the other way at quite a rate. If you are not yet a convert you might wonder why people are installing artificial lawn at their homes, but the reasons are many. Here are a few that you might not have thought about yet.   

Weekend time

So much about grass is about maintaining it. Mowing is a chore that very few people enjoy. Quite simply it takes up valuable weekend time that could be far better used playing golf, fishing or bonding with the family. And that is just the mowing. There is still weeding and edges and fertilizing that need to be factored in as well. Artificial grass Melbourne installers are quick to point out, does not require any of this sort of maintenance. There is a once-off fee for installation and thereafter it pretty much looks after itself.  

Weed-free wonderland

A well-maintained lawn is undoubtedly something good to look at. But from more than 10 metres it is hard to tell if the turf is natural or artificial. Although one clear giveaway is if there is a person in the middle of the lawn, down on their hands and knees weeding. If that is the case, then you know that it is natural grass and that the poor person doing the weeding is embarking on one of the most tedious of all domestic chores – pulling out the weeds and thorns that almost inevitably seem to work their way into all lawn. 

Moles lose out

To the avid gardener, there is nothing quite as irritating as moles. They seem to get everywhere and before you know what is happening, they have tunnelled widely underneath your beautifully manicured lawn. The molehills are unsightly, but it is the tunnels that they vacate in their search for food that is the real issues as they slowly cave in, leaving trenches all over the garden. A properly laid artificial surface will ensure that moles are never a problem again.  

Cost-cutting bonanza

Many people have put off the idea of installing artificial turf due to the cost. But don’t be silly and ignore the long-term savings. Take a moment or two to do the maths and see how it all stacks up. Remember that artificial lawn will never need to be watered. It won’t need to mow or fertilised either. And, if it is you doing the mowing and weeding then what is the value that you attach to your time? Factor all these costs into the equation and then multiply by the length of time that you intend to stay at your property. Once you have done all the sums you might just be blown away by how cheap it is having an artificial lawn installed! 

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