Thermal and acoustic performance, safety, style, budget … There are many criteria to consider when you want to change windows.
Why change his joinery?
The replacement windows improves the thermal insulation of the house, the openings representing 10 to 15% of the heat losses. There is, therefore, savings in heating and increased comfort by eliminating the phenomenon of the cold wall on the windows. In adding, the house will be much improved secluded from outside noise.
Should all windows be replaced at the same time?
It is not obligatory but above all a question of means. If you do not have the budget to change everything at once, first choose living rooms or the most heated, you will improve their comfort.
Which material should be favored for its windows?
Whether wood, PVC, aluminum or even mixed woodwork, each has its advantage. Highly efficient, wooden windows require regular maintenance. The aluminum profiles are unalterable and offered in a wide range of colors. Economic and insulating, PVC is the most popular material in the renovation, but the choice of colors is more limited. Finally, high – end, composite windows offer very good thermal insulation and do not require maintenance. They consist of wood carpentry or PVC with aluminum cowling.
What kind of openness can I choose and how do I respect the style of my old windows?
In renovation, joineries are available in all types of openings. The flying model or “à la franchise” * is the classic opening. Ideal for ventilating the rooms or the kitchen in complete safety, the tilt-and-turn system also makes it possible to open the top of the windows. Finally, the sliders have the advantage of opening without impinging on the interior space. Moreover, with the custom, we allow some decorative options. To give a little charm to your new windows, you can choose apparent brass, copper or white
To liven up the tiles, opt for integrated small woods. They come in white, brass or wood decor, and can even be engraved in the glass. Finally, you can play on the materials (wood-effect PVC profiles or bicolor option for aluminum joinery) for a successful harmonization with your facade.
What will be my gain in thermal terms?
Equipped with glazing with reinforced thermal insulation, windows protect from cold winter and heat summer. It is the coefficient Us expressed in W / m2.K which gives information on the thermal performance of a window. The lower the coefficient, the better the insulation. The best-performing joineries have thermal coefficients of less than 1.4 W / m2.K, an energy gain of 80% compared to single glazing. And heating savings of 10 to 30% depending on the case.
I love this blog. Windows enhance the beauty of the house. I agree Window repair and replacement is one of the most important maintenance tasks and I am happy you discussed what we should consider before changing our windows. Thanks for sharing!!